Wednesday, February 23, 2011

When your heart races

I really love looking at all the various works of the other students in this class. I tried my damnedest not to do anything having to do with interiors but I guess my heart just loves my job/career/passion too much. I still used a window and I am really proud of myself for it. I don't think that my concept would have come out on its own as much without the window or some sort of glass.

But I always get really nervous before critiques and I just didn't know if it could stand up to what others were doing with their projects. Seems like everyone liked it. But the conversation about everyone's various projects is really interesting. I think it's good to think about more than just the art at hand but the subjects that we can make people think about when we make our work.

While we are still are mapping, I'm jacking this one from my sister's blog. She a photographer so this was more up her alley but I thought it was still funny. This artist takes little model size figures and sets them up in streets and lets them go... just leaves them there and society can decide their fate. I giggled when I saw this one and thought it was appropriate.
For more of his work,(it's pretty cool), look at this website.

Looks like I will be making more maps now as I continue with senior project (which is a high school for the deaf)... back to placing things where they need to be... The next project I promise to get away from anything interiors based.

I hope you are having a great life!

All the best,



  1. Your multi-media drawing is really interesting and unexpected. I like the unique perspective provided by the window frame.

  2. Molly I love your window pane, it is really great that you put a photo from your home because when you were explaining it earlier I couldn't quite imagine what it would look like, and now seeing it, I love it <3!

  3. Hey Molly, I just love that you used this old window. I think it is a great piece that you can play with the lighting. I hope you post your projects for your senior show. I'd love to see what you come up with.
