Friday, February 4, 2011

When you are here...

Getting around

The child in me (not that I'm proud of this fact) thinks of Dora every time I hear the word "map." The dork in me thinks of Lord of the Rings and Harry Potter...and the world traveler in me thinks "You really should book that trip to Ireland for September."

I started to think of all the different things I could map and how I could make the medium I use look older or look like a map. Also, being an interiors major I wanted to somehow avoid interiors kinds of things. Such as a blueprint or a floor plan is basically a map of a building. No "to scale," no wall lines...sections of walls none of that. That being said I thought of latitude lines and longitude lines, north arrows, and topography maps, folding of a map and burring the paper.

But then the idea of morphing, adapting, and changing came into my head. Maps do this sort of thing all the time... same as people do. My mind is constantly changing as to what I am thinking about and an idea can stick with me for a years until it is accomplished or it can be in my head at one second and fleeting the next. Mapping doesn't have to be about the world or your home state but could be about mapping out your feelings, thoughts, and actions.

That's when you are here. You are in a moment, in a time, thought processes and the present is what counts and what is in the future is still blurry but still there. I am pretty sure my project will revolve around this idea. What my thoughts are now and in the future. But I need to carefully choose the subjects of those thoughts and what is in the forefront. I know that school is in the front of my head now, graduating and moving is quickly after however, I want to abstract those and show them in a way that isn't a graduation cap and a moving box. Duh. Anyone can do that. But how to abstract those.... It's difficult. The idea of how I want to present them is clear in my head but not what to specifically draw.

So the thoughts in my head now...

School, Work, Love life - broken heart, Graduation, moving, next book I write? Children? Ireland? Sign Language - learn more?-- how sign gestures so well and you can set up a whole world in sign....


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